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In case youhaven't already glanced my "about me" section I guess it would be appropriate to reiterate it here:

My name is Vincia, its pronounced; (vin-see-ya)

I often get frustrated when people don't say it right..

::Biggie voice:: "So if yadon'tknow, now ya know! "

I'm a 23 yr-old up and coming Journalist from queensNY & the purpose of this blog is just so i can share my thoughts with whoever cares to read them.

If you have any thoughts, concerns, suggestions, questions or comments feel free to drop a few words :)

much love.,


Friday, September 24, 2010


which of his last two albums (Ready/Passion Pain&Pleasure) are better?

im gonna have to say that he couldve waited a little longer before he came out with PPP 
because the album could use some more work.
 Now before all the Trey stans go HAM take some time to
think about it...

Don't get me wrong its an OKAY album but Ready was WAY better! i can listen to Ready from front to back without skipping any songs and on PPP i have about
4 favorite songz max...
Perhaps PPP needs to grow on me sommore
 but honestly for now ima have to stick with Ready til he comes out with sumthing better.

what do you guys think? Let Me Know!




Ms. Cyone said...

I am a true Trey fan and have been for years from Just Gotta Make It through all the mixtapes. My Ipod has virtually everything he has ever lent his voice to, with that being said Ready was the last cd that I could listen to from beginning to end no skips. This new cd, hmm where do I begin to state my dislike for it, its not that its a bad record, I just think it could have been polished much more.

Treyy Songzz Fann said...

i Love Trey with all my heart lol. Just like Lady Cylone, my ipod is probably filled with every song trey has ever sang. I love the album Ready. I have actually listened to the album start to finish several times. I love the album PPP also. I Don't like every single song. i listen to it but skip atleast 4. Favorites
Bottoms up, can't be friends, massage, alone, Made to be together,Unusual or Usual something like that, panty droppa full edition, Love faces and yes thats about it soo far. Just like you said, i think it just has to grow on me.