
If you're here chances are this site was recommended to you or you justhappened to click your way to this page by chance.

Either way itwasn't a mistake!!..

So please enjoy your stay!

In case youhaven't already glanced my "about me" section I guess it would be appropriate to reiterate it here:

My name is Vincia, its pronounced; (vin-see-ya)

I often get frustrated when people don't say it right..

::Biggie voice:: "So if yadon'tknow, now ya know! "

I'm a 23 yr-old up and coming Journalist from queensNY & the purpose of this blog is just so i can share my thoughts with whoever cares to read them.

If you have any thoughts, concerns, suggestions, questions or comments feel free to drop a few words :)

much love.,


Wednesday, January 4, 2012


i stole this from mizz scoop check her out over at mizzscoop.blogspot.com...thanks gurl!

anyway its a photo a day challenge stay tuned for my pics im a few days behind but i will catch up soon! lol oh yea and btw happy new year and all that go0d shyt :)

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