
If you're here chances are this site was recommended to you or you justhappened to click your way to this page by chance.

Either way itwasn't a mistake!!..

So please enjoy your stay!

In case youhaven't already glanced my "about me" section I guess it would be appropriate to reiterate it here:

My name is Vincia, its pronounced; (vin-see-ya)

I often get frustrated when people don't say it right..

::Biggie voice:: "So if yadon'tknow, now ya know! "

I'm a 23 yr-old up and coming Journalist from queensNY & the purpose of this blog is just so i can share my thoughts with whoever cares to read them.

If you have any thoughts, concerns, suggestions, questions or comments feel free to drop a few words :)

much love.,


Sunday, December 20, 2009


Many of u are following me but few of you KNOW who I really am so I figured I would elaborate on my brief 'about me' section...as you already know I'm an up and coming journalist who has a serious passion for God, fashion, music & anything girly even though I can be a tom boy at times (im down for some sweats and a tshirt any day!)...I live in Queens, New York (born and raised) but i lived in Pennsylvania for almost 4 years while attending Penn State University...

I left school during my senior year and came back to New York due to extreme stress inability to pay my tuition (which was $24,000/yr). That was two years ago and now I'm getting ready to begin a new chapter in my life which is to first and foremost re-attend school  in January of 2010.

2010 will mark a year of new beginnings for me, and i really look forward to it so wish me luck!!!

As far as my "love life" goes I've been talking to this guy since April but he's about to be cut off (if you want to know why click here: ..so.theres.this.guy..). 

Other than what I mentioned above, I live a pretty simple (and boring life) lol., I stay with my family for now (my parents, and my brother who's 21) but I'm working on getting a new car and an apartment of my own soon. I try to attend church every sunday (which is especially difficult when im out partying all night saturday). Hey nobody is perfect! lol I've cut back on my "clubbing/ladies nights out" because I seriously need to save my money for school and my car.

Hopefully this gives you a bit of insight on who I am I will get more into specifics as the days go by... 

Anything else you wanna know??? just ask!! :) 

Much Love.,


Eury said...

nice to get to know you

ThinkGoHard said...

Nice blog fam. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post

SinfulLyo said...

:] hi missy! i'm going to take the time to read some of your entries later [after ray j lmao]. but i'm loving that you have my song ALL ABOUT ME on your player!